Tuesday, September 06, 2011

An Ending, A Beginning

We've hung on long enough. So long, in fact, that it felt as though tied to a corpse. The charade ends now. Time to bury the corpse, to remove those concrete boots. Fear has anchored me, us, long enough. There is no longer any place for fear, nor acrimony, for that matter. We were friends first, and shall ever remain friends. Still, I grieve for what once was, and is no longer.

I have so many ideas for WIPs ... just still lack the courage to sit down, in front of the screen and get cracking! I have become somewhat of a recluse, with my books and my book light. And, I'm okay with that ~ it's working for me. And so ....

image by Chuck Wendig


Jane said...

I've been where you are. My first marriage ended after 12 years. It was sad and yet, so needed in order to move forward in order to reclaim some happiness again. My thoughts are with you as you work through this hard time.

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

Wow, sorry for your problems. As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

S.M. Hutchins said...

Love, love, love this! I referred to myself as a writer recently then reeled as I realized I never write. Guns and ink, indeed.

S.M. Hutchins said...

Oh, and the most important part... as you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

Jolene Perry said...

Love your last bit. Writing is SUCH a fabulous distraction. best of luck to you :D

Cindy Jones Lantier said...

So sorry to hear about the ending of your relationship. As you wish for yourself, so do I lovingly wish for you! *HUG*

christina said...

i am thinking of you.
and i love, love this quote!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! It takes courage to admit that your marriage isn't working and is not making you happy. Leaving my husband was the hardest and best thing I ever did. You will come out shining.

As you wish for yourself I too wish for you!

Love, light and new beautiful bold beginning to you.

Dominee said...

I hope this new path brings you the happiness and joy that you deserve.
As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Powerful images, both the pictures and the words. You have a very clear vision of your situation. Best wishes on your new path.
As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you also.

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